Libster Award given by co-blogger Aara by nominating my blog on her space Sweets & Spices
"CHEF OF THE WEEK" Badge Awarded by
Here are the awards presented to the recipes posted in my blog from the Co-Bloggers.
"CHEF OF THE WEEK" Badge Awarded by

Here are the awards presented to the recipes posted in my blog from the Co-Bloggers.
Liebster Blog Presented by Preeti Garg from Preeti's Kitchen Life
Participation Award Presented by Preeti Garg for Jump' N Jive @ Icypritz Event
Kitchen Magic Award Presented by Preeti Garg on Color N Sweet- Holi Fest
Participation Award Presented by Preeti Garg for Jump' N Jive @ Icypritz Event
Kitchen Magic Award Presented by Preeti Garg on Color N Sweet- Holi Fest
The recipe to which this Award is presented is SWEET CORN HALWA